
Hospitals, healthcare facilities, nursing homes, first aid centers
Sport facilities, gyms, swimming pools
Tennis, golf courts
Schools and universities
Churches, mosques
Government agency premises
Courts of law, prisons
Non-profit organization facilities



Some organizations hesitate to invest on preventive pest control, because they feel it is unnecessary. If you don’t check on pests initially, you will surely have a tough time doing so in later stages. Irrespective of what kind of place you run or being responsible for, pest control should surely be first on your list of regular maintenance tasks.

For any kind of place, it is always good to get pest control done once in a while. This will help you keep pests at bay and render you much cleaner and tidier spaces.

Healthcare organizations are required to take appropriate structural, logistical and control measures to prevent from pest infestations. In line thereof, Tackle can advise on:

• How to avoid the creation of pest harbourages;
• Food supply, waste management and laundry disposal handling to minimize the risk of pest infestation;
• Regular monitoring conducted by a certified pest control expert to detect any pest activity at the preliminary stage;
• The prevention of the spread of pathogens, if a pest infestation is discovered.

Tackle organizations services provided to:

• Hospitals, healthcare facilities, nursing homes, first aid centers
• Sport facilities, gyms, swimming pools
• Tennis, golf courts
• Schools and universities
• Churches, mosques
• Government agency premises
• Non-profit organization facilities
• Etc.

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